kampung cisitu


Understanding the Village

The village is the origin of the word of the language of India, namely Swadesi. Swadesi means the place of origin, residence, country of origin or ancestral land refer to the unity of life, with a unit norm, and have clear boundaries. The term of this village, also called by other terms in certain areas. For example: Hamlet and Highways for the people of South Sulawesi, Maluku regency, Nagari in Minang or Wanua in Minahasa. There are many other terms from villages in some areas that became part of Indonesia. The distinction is not because the village is influenced by the culture and customs of each village concerned.
1. Village in terms of geography.
Village in terms of geography is one of them put forward by Bintarto. he argues, the definition of the village is a result of the realization among a group of human activities with the environment. It is the result of a combination of one form or appearance of the earth caused by the elements of physiographic, social, economic, political and cultural interaction among these elements are mutually and also in relation to other areas.
When asked about the village, most people understood it as a place bermukimnya residents with a more backward civilizations of the city. In addition, people will also mention the livelihoods of villagers in general agriculture. Even the people would argue that the village is home to the farmers.

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